Thursday, 3 March 2011

Thanks Jesus or Ninja Vs Bully Bitchtits

Okay here's the situation
I antagonized a Psycho who should be on Medication

Bonus points for everybody who knows where that rhyme scheme come from.
My Name is Welby. I do stand-up comedy. You know the funny kind. The kind I write all on my own.Not the kind of hacky crap that has such burnt premises that if you had a dog that could sniff bad comedy its head would explode. 

Anyway this is what I would call a Counter-Strike.
Here's what I did. There was some delusional self-absorbed douchebag who was posting stuff in his unintenionally hilarious blog. He was lamenting about how much he loved his sweet beloved girlfriend and how she was the greatest girl in the world. He was also talking about how he had been cheating on her for over a year. Also how he was getting read to leave her and she had no idea but it was time and it was the right thing to do. There was some of the worst poetry I've read in my life on there. He sounded like a 13 year old emo girl that cries her mascara off. I of course laughed my ass off at how he kept trying to make it look like he was blameless. So I forwarded the link to his Blog to a bunch of other people.

The result. They all thought it was hialrious. One of the people that received it was good friends with the GIRL who getting cheated on. She forwarded the link to her out of the kindness of her heart. And here's what happened

Yeah that fucking maniac called me in a panic. That jerkoff started screaming at me. I'm not going to tell you exactly what he said because it will probably be more effective ina police statement. I guess he wasn't aware that when you POST something on BLOGSPOT. People can read it! Its fucking magical! WHen you hit POST it doesn't travel to a POST in NARNIA somewhere so a Jesus Lion can chill and read it with his Beaver pals. 

I'm not a fan of Death Threats from Psychotic Bullies with Bitchtits who think can tell me what to do.
And heres what he came up because he thinks he lives in the MATRIX

Jesus thats beautiful isn't it. I'm in a flame war with a psychotic sociopath that can't accept personal responsibilty for anything at all. So you want a Flame war? Game on FUCKO! Eat this!

Please feel free to leave any comments at all. Negative or positive. Lates

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